Join me to release the energies of past lovers and reclaim our sovereign and sacred womb spaces.
Our wombs are receptive - every time we make love or have sex with another person we receive their energy within our wombs.
Our wombs can hold experiences from past or current lovers, experiences when you haven’t honoured yourself when being intimate with another or if you’ve experienced sexual abuse* - the trauma can be held within the womb.
The type of sexual exchange is also held within the womb, for example, if you have sex with your partner and their intention (whether conscious or unconscious) was to release the energy of their stress, aggression, and disappointments theses energy get transferred in your womb space.
If you're in a loving relationship it is still important to release your partner's energy so that you fully inhabit your womb - meaning that your womb only holds your energy. This in no way means that you are letting go of love or rejecting your partner, it's about being sovereign in your energy and you being fully you.
When we come together with another it’s important to remember that you, your body, and your womb are your own living breathing temple space. When another enters your space it is to be in reverence, honour and respect.
Join me for an evening of weaving womb alchemy and practices to re-connect you with your sacred self.
*If you have experienced sexual trauma this work is not a replacement for medical or therapeutic advice, support or treatment.